
We will come and do a room by room assessment and identify the severity of the hoarding situation.

Among the areas assessed are:

  • Difficulty conducting daily activities
  • The need to acquire
  • The need to save
  • And the degree of difficulty in discarding items.

Fees: $175.00 + mileage if outside of Calgary

Behind The Hoard Consulting, covers all areas across Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan.


For individuals and their families that are affected by Hoarding/Hoarding Behaviours.

Fees: Counselling $85/hr.

Therapeutic De-Cluttering

This is conducted in the location(s) where the Hoarding situation exists. We proceed at your pace, while being respectful to you and your unique situation while you make decisions regarding your possessions.

Our role is to help you clear the way and achieve your goals.

Nadine's Fee: $85.00/hr.
Clutter Crew: $35.00 person/hr. Plus the cost of protective clothing if required

Hoarding Training for Professionals

  • Full day training available
  • Half day training available

Please call for pricing.

Clean Sweep

Is a Voluntary Intensive Clean-up done with Nadine and her team .We return your home and property to the way you would like it to be. This is accomplished in a consolidated time frame under your direction, of what should stay and what should go.

A minimum of 1 counselling session is required prior to beginning a "Clean Sweep" to ensure that the individual is making these choices with full understanding of the impact a sudden change to their environment can have on them.

Assessment required

Fees: $32.50/Person/hr. plus the cost of protective clothing if required

Hoarding Training for Professionals

  • Full and half day training available

Please call for pricing.

* New clients are currently being accepted *

** Applicable taxes payable in addition to fees listed above **

Senior battles hoarding issue

Are you a Hoarder in the making?

Take our Quiz


0 = Not at all; 2 = mild; 4 = moderate; 6= severe; 8= extreme

  1. Because of the number of possessions you have, how difficult is it to use the rooms in your Home?
  2. How upsetting is it for you to have your home in its current condition?
  3. How upsetting/concerning is it for others to have the home in its current condition?
  4. Have other people/agencies tried to intervene (offer to help you tidy up) because of the clutter?
  5. How difficult / distressing is it for you to get rid of things?
  6. How often have you spent money you don't really have because you saw something and "just had to have it"

If you answered above 2 to questions 1, 4 or 5 assess your situation ask for feedback from someone you trust who knows you and ask for help accordingly.

If you answered 2, keep an eye on your situation, these questions are red flags.

If you answered 4 or higher to questions 2, 3 or 6 ask for feedback from a trusted friend who knows you and search yourself for the reasons and your ability to tackle the problems yourself.

If you have tried unsuccessfully numerous times, seek help to manage what may develop into a more serious problem.

Courtesy: Elaine Birchall

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Hoarders: Buried in debt

The financial impact of hoarding is often just as distressing. "About 75% of people with hoarding problems buy excessively, ½ of which qualify for a diagnosis of compulsive buying." says Randy Frost, professor of psychology at Smith College and author of "Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things."

Did you know?

Hoarding occurs in all cultures, income and education levels & for many different reasons.

Hoarding situations continue to deteriorate until the health and safety of the individual and community are put at risk.

Hoarding hurts insurance coverage

Potential pitfalls in the homes of hoarders – people who can't stop acquiring items and have a hard time getting rid of their belongings – include fire and injury. As a result, hoarders are at a higher risk in the eyes of a home insurer, says Loretta Worters, V.P. of the Insurance Information Institute

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